Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Here my poor blog sits so neglected and abandoned. Somedays i think of these really great things to type and some days i think of nothing but school and students. Well, i want to do better. i dont want my little blog to develop a complex. so, i will post more often.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

This is Toni. One of my favourite kids from Afton. She is an awesome girl who will accomplish many great things in her life. She and I went out one cold day earlier this month and I took some Sr. pix for her. This is one I really like.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Over Christmas break, my two cousins, Jo and Tia came home for a vistit. Tia hadn't yet had any Sr. pix taken, so i took the two of them to a senic local and started snapping.

Above is Tia

This is Jo.
Nothing like sisterly love...

This is Tia. 18, beautiful, brilliant, complex.

Monday, January 8, 2007

One word...

On Ali Edwards' site www.aliedwards.typepad.com she speaks about choosing one word to focus on for 2007. One word...that is difficult. As I pondered this task, I had many words come to mind: journey, balance, peace, harmony, gratitude...but one kept coming to the surface; seek. This year i will seek to become a better wife, mother, teacher, Christian, friend, human. i will seek God's face. i will seek God's will for my life. i will seek to stay nearer to my Lord. i will seek to do more than merely exist day to day. i will seek to see the bigger picture of my life.

Good luck in discovering your word for the focus of 2007.