Tuesday, July 3, 2007

flooding in miami oklahoma

My home town of Miami, Oklahoma had flooded this week. The water has not been this high in Miami since 1951. I have lived in this town my entire 32 years and am having a hard time processing all that has transpired the last 36 hours. The water has been high three times before: 1984, 1986, and 1993. 1986, by far, was the worst one. My childhood home (which my parents no longer own), at the intersection of K and 1st N.W., went underwater all three times. This year, my parents' home, in what we thought was a safe location, is threatened. These first three shots were taken standing in my mom's front yard looking west towards the river. Normally, there is no water visible from my mom and dad's house. They live about 3/4 mile due east of the river, but there has never been a serious threat to their home before today. They are second from the corner. Their neighbors who do live on the corner were told by the mayor, city planner, and a city councilman this morning to prepare to evacuate. The water would reach their home.
In the past 36 hours, I have spent 5 hours helping a dear friend move out of her home. Today
we waded water to get to the back side of her home that is now several feet under water. (See the next set of photos). This morning, mom called with the news their garage and home may flood. I called my friend who I helped yesterday, and she came to pick me up and we headed to my parents' house. As I was waiting, I found out that my other friend, Gregg, and his new wife were having to evac from their house across the street from the college. Again, noone has seen water like this in over 55 years. When Jenn and I approached my mom's house, I was stunned and speechless at the amount of water on her road. When we pulled into the drive, Mom said she
wanted us to go next door and help the family on the
corner. Jenn and I helped tape plastic
tarps and stack bricks along the west side of their
home. Traffic was very heavy for our street. Lots
of curious sightseers, and people even got out to fish. Seriously! People were fishing in front of my parents house.... After an hour of moving things out of Mom's garage, Mom decided she was done. Jenn and I went to help Gregg and Linsey. Water was coming in their living room while we (and fifteen other people) were moving things out the back door into the alley. Once Jenn and I finished there, we met mom at her office at Copen Hall @ NEO. Buildings at NEO were under and Jenn and I just needed a physical and mental break. We walked around campus and took several shots. So much freakin water! Such an overwhlming day. I am so proud of Jennifer. She knows her home is full of water. She
knows she and her husband will have to spend thousands of dollars and countless hours of their own time repairing their own home, but she was still out there today helping whoever needed it.

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